On your cruise you may see some of the many basking seals that visit the river, if you are lucky you may see dolphins, or Porpuises, you will see the resident Mermaid that lives close to the entrance to the river, and also the varied bird life that lives in the river too, all this whilst listening to the steam trains that run along side the river bank.  


At Dittisham there is the famous Ferry Boat Inn, and Greenway Quay is the entrance to Greenway House where the Famous Agatha Christie lived , it is now owned by the National Trust and you can take a tour around the house and grounds. Please note there is no mooring at Greenway Quay you must use a visitor bouy and take the water taxi.  

You could Visit the Maltsters Arms at Bow Creek (made famous by the late Keith Floyd) or the River Shack cafe at Stoke Gabriel, or Sharpenham Vineyard, or even make it all the way to Totnes with a fair wind and a good tide! 


As once said in Wind In the Willows, "Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."